Friday, July 13, 2012

On Numbers

365--The number of days in one of my contracts.

30--The average number of lessons I finish with each class each year.

33--The number of classes in my school.

3--The number of grades in my school.

70--About the number of teachers in my school.

5--The number of floors in the school.

6--The number of different partner teachers that I have.

2--The number of partner teachers who significantly help in classes.

2--The number of partner teachers who pay attention, but rarely do anything in class.

1--The number of partner teachers who are hopefully reforming into a better category of partner teacher.

1--The number of partner teachers who read books or do paper work almost all the time in class.

12--The number of tests that I have to edit for grammar and native speakerness.

1--The number of tests that I have to write about the movie, Shrek.

3.33--The number of English classes, on average, that each class from each grade has each week.

0.667--The average number of English conversation classes (i.e. my class) that each class from each grade has each week.

22--The number of classes that I am supposed to teach each week before getting overtime.

21.5--The average number of classes that I am scheduled for each week.

0--The number of times you are supposed to talk about overtime when you do, in fact, go over 22 hours a week.

1--The number of vice-principals in the school.

1--The number of principals in the school.

1224--The number of students in the school.

1224--The number of my students in the school.

9--The number of in-school managers above me, depending on various situations.

24--The average number of minutes it takes to get to school from walking out my front door to entering the school's front door.

4--The average number of students that say, "Hello, teacher.  Nice to meet you!"...after knowing me for the last 3 years.

2.33--The number of years I have been at this school.

37.5--The average number of students in each class.

2.5--The average number of special needs students in each class (I am not talking about ADHD), but not completely drooling either.

60--The score out of a hundred that can still be considered a good score on an English test.

35--About the number of students in the whole school that I believe could actually hold a conversation with a normal foreign English speaker (i.e. not an ESL teacher) past "Hi, how are you?  Where's the bathroom?".

3--The number of articles (a, an, the) that are almost never used properly and I have frankly just given up on.

3--The number of kids that I play cards with every day to practice English and relax.

1--The number of kids that have committed suicide in the past year.

3--The number of times that I have met the mayor.

313,413--The number of people in the city.

4--The number of summer and winter English camps that I do each year.

5--The number of days for each of those camps.

15--The number of days until I get to go home for vacation.

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